Sunday, August 10, 2014

Switchplate Transformations

We closed on our new house last Thursday and moved in yesterday! Everything is still mayhem and boxes are everywhere but it feels so good to be in our own home. We also made a trip to Home Depot for paint and supplies so we can start prepping the walls and painting over the existing beige-brown and maroon in the living room and kitchen. (Horrible color choices!) We picked out a lovely blue-grey color that will set off our marble fireplace an hopefully make the room feel airier. But the absolute first thing to go was this horrid light switch cover in our master bedroom. Isn't it beeeyoutiful? 

Here it is with our new light switch cover. Doesn't quite go with the wall color but that will eventually change too. 

Ta-da! And there we have our first home improvement project. Easy peasy. Wish they were all this simple!

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