We are FINALLY making progress on decorating. When I say WE, I really mean me, but Jamey has veto power on most things if he doesn't like it. And I try really hard to incorporate elements that he likes as well, so it's not just my space, but ours combined. I am way behind on posting pictures of our new paint job, but I was kind of waiting until I had something to show. I took a few pictures of the living room tonight with my phone, so they aren't the best quality. But you'll at least get an idea of how it looks. The living room is about the only area I have arranged close to how I want it... There's still a few things I want to do - hang curtains, get a corner bookshelf, hang some more pictures and things - but it's starting to feel like our home. I told Jamey when we first moved in that I felt like I was living in someone else's house, because we hadn't yet put our stamp on the place. It's a weird feeling, knowing that you own the house, but not fully OWNING it. The maroon walls didn't help. In case you need a reminder:
And here it is now:
It doesn't even look like the same room! I really like to incorporate a lot of color, but not so much on the walls. I love the blue/gray as a neutral backdrop, making the colors in the furnishings really pop.

As you can see, the curtain rod has yet to be hung up, but that's because I haven't figured out how I want it exactly. Too many options for curtains, I tell ya.
Here's our nice cozy chair.

Here's the cat.

I really love how the fireplace looks with the grey paint on the walls. It really enhances the marble and makes it look beautiful. I will probably re-arrange the mantle a few more times before I feel like it's just right, but that's just how it goes. But I have to say I really love how my giant ink drawing of a cypress tree seems to fit right in with the fireplace. Every time I look at it, it brings back good memories of my senior year of college, my art classes, and dating Jamey. Good old days.

If you're wondering what the pile of junk is in the corner, that's Huxtable's toy box. I found a basket at a garage sale that does a pretty good job of containing them so they're not scattered all over the house. But as soon as I put them away, he thinks I put something new and exciting in there, so he has to get them all out to look for it. Silly dog.
I found this unique vintage venetian blind lamp at a local antique store for fifteen bucks. I liked the color and the age of it, and Jamey said it reminded him of some band called Devo... so I guess that means he likes it too.

If you know Jamey, you know that he really really likes cars. And races. And race cars. And if you know anything about me, you know that I love antiques and old things in general. So when I found these old Art Deco racing posters, I thought it was a perfect compromise for us, not to mention it makes a perfect feature wall in our living room. I found the frames on clearance at Michaels so overall it was an effective and budget-friendly way to decorate an empty wall. The colors really help brighten up the space too.

It's a nice cozy space now, but it feels light and airy at the same time. It really feels like our home now.

And there you have it!
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